
What Causes Hair Loss?

Here’s What You Should Know.

It’s not that simple…

Unfortunately, there’s no one answer to your question. But the good news? There’s many options to help fix it. Click here to learn more about the choices you can make. 

Since hair loss is personal and individual, which means it affects everyone differently (and for various reasons, too). Let’s take a look at some of those:


For some people, hair loss is genetic. For men, women, and humans alike, most baldness patterns are the result of their ancestors also having gone through the same thing (and having it passed down to them). 

There are things that can be done, like medicated shampoos, topical creams, and laser therapy, to help. What really makes a difference is the team you choose in making sure you get what you desire—hair! Click here to learn more. 


Yes, certain medications can cause hair loss. Why? Because it can be a side effect to the prescriptions you’re taking. Here are some of the different types of medications that can impact the integrity of your hair:

  • Blood thinners
  • Specific birth control
    • The American Hair Loss Association recommends that people who have an increased risk of genetic hair loss opt for a non-hormonal type of birth control.
  • Accutane (for severe acne)
  • Some Antidepressants
  • Beta-Blockers
  • Certain Cholesterol-lowering drugs

If you’re taking any of these types of medications, consult with your doctor about any other options or alternatives. Once you’ve expressed your concerns, we highly recommend
scheduling a free consultation with us so we can better assess your situation and come up with a personalized plan for your journey to hair happiness. 

Nutritional Deficiencies

If you’re not getting the proper intake of proteins and vitamins, this can sometimes lead to excessive hair shedding. Speaking with your doctor about the actions you can take toward adjusting your diet can help.

Sometimes, staying ahead of the curve can help you out in the future. At Hans Wiemann, we have options for everyone, check them out!


Doesn’t sound very appealing, because it’s not. One of the lesser-known causes for hair loss is a fungal infection that attacks the scalp; leading to temporary bald areas on your head. 

A Doctor would be able to prescribe the medication that’s needed in order to treat it. 


It’s the number one cause of a wide range of problems. From obesity, to deficiencies, some diseases, and even… hair loss. Stress is a silent killer, and our follicles don’t have much of a fighting chance against our body’s nervous system. 

Before anything, always consult with a medical professional who may be able to help treat the cause of the stress—to avoid further complications. If you’re looking for ways to prevent, treat, and mask the effects of stress on your hair, contact our knowledgeable team at Hans Wiemann today!

Notable Mention: Thyroid

The human thyroid is home to the root of a lot of issues related to weight loss (and gain), as well as hair loss. If you think your hair loss may be related to your thyroid, seek the opinion of your doctor.

Tight Hairstyles

Think about it: if you’re constantly pulling on a rope with force, it’ll eventually snap. That’s what tight hairstyles do to your hair. It causes the hair to snap, and because your follicle is being pulled back super tight, it starts receding your hairline. 

Here are some of the hairstyles that cause premature hair loss and thinning over time:

  • Tight buns and ponytails
  • Braids
  • Cornrows
  • Extensions

Lifestyle choices are just that – choices. Which one are you making today? Visit our website to learn more about the options you can choose from in order to begin your journey to hair happiness. 

If you’re experiencing hair loss related to any of these, the best thing you can do is talk to your doctor. 

Still concerned with your hair? That’s where we come in. Contact one of our hair loss experts at Hans Wiemann and schedule your FREE consultation, today! We’re local to St. Louis and have been addressing unique situations with our state-of-the-art solutions for over three decades. 

Schedule your free scalp analysis and contact our experienced team for more information!

Request Free Consultation

Our team of specialists can help you restore your fine or thinning hair by providing treatments that target your specific scalp conditions and damaged hair. Please provide your contact details below and we will contact you within business hours.