
Keeping Hair Healthy After a Transplant

It’s natural to have questions and concerns regarding how to care for your hair after a hair transplant.  After any surgical procedure, you want to be sure you’re being cautious and following your doctor’s orders. After your recovery period, and your transplanted hair begins to grow in fuller and longer, you want to be sure you’re doing everything you can to promote a healthy scalp and hair growth.

Taking proper care of your transplanted hair after an ARTAS Robotic hair transplant is essential to achieve great, long-lasting results. While there are many general recommendations post-transplant, only your surgeon knows what is best for you. Failure to follow proper care instructions after a transplant can result in damage to hair and even further hair loss. So, initially, it’s best to follow all of your doctor’s directions.

Following the initial recovery period, everything from how often you wash your hair to what you eat can have an impact on how healthy your new hair is. Your hair needs tender, loving care. Too much heat and chemicals in shampoos can do serious damage to freshly transplanted hair. The state of your hair is also a reflection of what you eat. For stronger, healthier hair you’ll want to eat a well-rounded diet that includes fish, nuts, eggs, fruit, and spinach.

For nearly 60 years, people have been trusting Hans Wiemann to find the solution to their hair loss problems. Call us today to schedule a free hair and scalp analysis or to discuss your concerns about how to properly care for your hair post-transplant.

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Our team of specialists can help you restore your fine or thinning hair by providing treatments that target your specific scalp conditions and damaged hair. Please provide your contact details below and we will contact you within business hours.